Blog Archive

Our goal with this blog is to explore the many different works of Keats. By using many examples from his writings, we will be able to analyze and develop an appreciation for John Keats, his poems, short stories and the art inspired through him.

06 January, 2011

Community Blog

For the community blog post I read the poem Identity Theft  by Ethan Palioca. It was an extrememly well written prose poem and i learned a lot by reading it. It was a very deep and thought out poem. Explained with an acceptional writting style and glorious emotions. It had me sitting in the edge of my seat up until the very end of the poem.  Ethan has a beautiful way with the words he used to express his feelings through the poem.  It is a poem i think that every student at CAL should read, not only for a lesson on writting prose poems, but just for a good read. This prose poem had such good flow and rhythm my mind was blown.  My favorite part of this prose poem was probably where Ethan says:
"What is left after I cannot even say I’m living for myself anymore? Let alone as myself. When will the world give a new meaning? How will I interpret it and through what? A girl? A sign? What if I don’t recognize it, am I lost after that?
These questions fill my head every day, continuing the onslaught of negativity I create for myself and those who surround me and don’t deserve it. I hope this day of revelation for me comes soon because my patience is thinning."   Whenever I want to read a good prose poem I know exactly where to find it, and that is on the Blog site of Megan Townly, Maria Castellanos, Ethan Palioca, and Jackie Tignor. Their Blog page 'Blake is My Homie' is a very well put together blog spot.  It has a very easy to read page, with a gray background and a deep red font.  They also have some pretty cool pictures going on the site.  They have so many well written and interesting posts that it just kept me up all night reading them.  With titles such as "The chimney sweeper", "The Tyger", "Loves secret", and "The Crystal Cabinet" theres no way it cant be an interesting blog. So I Andrew Torrey congradulate this team of students on making an excellent Blog.  

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